I want to give you a break from the 'doing'...
that results in you feeling unproductive because you have spent the day procrasti-snacking, cleaning, scrolling and all the other procrastination activities that surface when you are not in a place of flow.
I see you trying to complete tasks that are not your thing. I see you Pushing through something that you don't have energy for.
When you create from this place, the tasks take waaay longer than you would have liked and you end the day slumped on the couch in a social media scroll hole looking for a spark of relief or joy to cancel out the feelings of frustration and failure that have come from a day of not feeling very productive.
This scenario is one that has come straight from my memory bank. I’ve been there, this has been my experience many times trying to do things that are not my thing. Which is why I want to support you to get your spark back!